LearnPython.com Archives - ab https://alexandrebruffa.com/category/learnpython-com/ Tue, 10 Oct 2023 17:50:47 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.1 https://alexandrebruffa.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/cropped-cropped-elior-favicon-270x270-1-32x32.png LearnPython.com Archives - ab https://alexandrebruffa.com/category/learnpython-com/ 32 32 4 Ways Python Can Boost Your Marketing Activities https://alexandrebruffa.com/4-ways-python-can-boost-your-marketing-activities/ Tue, 18 Jul 2023 18:19:16 +0000 https://alexandrebruffa.com/?p=1747 In this article I wrote for LearnPython.com, I will show why Python is not only for programmers and how you can use it for marketing.

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In this article, we are going to see why and how you can use Python for marketing.

Most people probably think Python is only for programmers, that this is a skill reserved for a small group. This is not true; Python can be useful to everyone.

In this article, I’ll tell you why you should start using Python for marketing – even if you’ve had nothing to do with coding before.

Let’s Talk About Python

You’ve surely heard about Python, but let’s have a brief recap before we move on to how it can make marketing activities faster and easier.

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The Benefits of Learning Python for Business Professionals https://alexandrebruffa.com/the-benefits-of-learning-python-for-business-professionals/ Tue, 18 Jul 2023 17:55:35 +0000 https://alexandrebruffa.com/?p=1741 In this article I wrote for LearnPython.com, I will discuss the benefits of learning Python for a professional.

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In this article, we discuss the benefits of learning Python for a professional.

What Is Python?

There are many benefits to learning Python programming. But what is Python? It is a high-level programming language, designed to be easy to read, write, and understand, with a focus on expressing complex concepts concisely and intuitively.

Python is also a general-purpose programming language. Developers use it for a wide range of applications and tasks, as opposed to domain-specific languages focused on specific use cases or fields. Python is used for web development, software development, machine learning, and scripting, among others.

You may not believe it, but Python is not so young! It was conceived in the late 80s by Guido Van Rossum, a Dutch programmer, who released the first version of Python in 1991. Python was originally used as a scripting language, but it is living a second life with the growth of the artificial intelligence and machine learning fields.

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Python Developer Career Path https://alexandrebruffa.com/python-developer-career-path/ Tue, 18 Jul 2023 17:51:02 +0000 https://alexandrebruffa.com/?p=1738 In this article I wrote for LearnPython.com, I will explain what a Python developer is nowadays and what kind of skills they should have.

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In this article, we are going to define what a Python developer is nowadays, what kind of skills they should have, and what a company should expect from them.

Maybe you’ve always loved experimenting with computers and you’d like to learn to write your own computer programs. Or maybe you’ve tried one or two other careers and you’re looking for something that’s interesting, challenging, and in demand. Or perhaps you’re working in another area of IT and you want to add Python to your toolkit. This article will explain how to make the transition to a professional Python developer.

A Brief Overview of Python

Python is a general-purpose programming language: almost all domains and applications can use Python. You can build a website with it, use it to train machine learning models, execute complex financial calculations, or write quick automation scripts with it; there is no limit.

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Different Ways to Practice Python https://alexandrebruffa.com/different-ways-to-practice-python/ Tue, 18 Jul 2023 17:44:37 +0000 https://alexandrebruffa.com/?p=1734 In this article I wrote for LearnPython.com, I will explore some of the most popular ways to practice your Python programming skills.

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Learning Python means practicing Python. In this article, we’ll explore some of the most popular ways to practice your Python programming skills.

Learning almost any new skill requires not only gaining knowledge but experience. And this is what we acquire through practice.

This article will help anyone who has recently started learning Python or who already knows the basics of Python but cannot progress to the next level. Here are the best ways to practice Python.

What Is Python?

Python is a general-purpose programming language which means it is used for a wide range of domains and applications, unlike domain-specific languages that are designed for a specific task or application (i.e. SQL for databases).

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Little-Known But Useful Packages that Come with Python https://alexandrebruffa.com/little-known-but-useful-packages-that-come-with-python/ Fri, 27 Jan 2023 18:53:35 +0000 https://alexandrebruffa.com/?p=1654 In this article I wrote for LearnPython.com, I will demonstrate some Python packages that aren’t very well-known but are very useful.

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In this article, we will demonstrate some Python packages that aren’t very well-known but are very useful.

Packages are basically completed Python code (classes, functions, etc.) that you can use in your projects. They are usually located in a specific directory of your environment. You can create your own custom Python packages or download plenty of fabulous and free Python packages from THE PYPI OFFICIAL REPOSITORY.   

If you’re not already familiar with Python, I suggest you check out our LEARN PROGRAMMING WITH PYTHON track, which introduces you to the fundamentals of programming.

Before going further, it is essential to mention that the difference between a module, package, library, and framework in Python can be quite confusing. If you are interested in knowing the exact terminology, read our article on the DIFFERENCE BETWEEN MODULES, PACKAGES, AND LIBRARIES IN PYTHON. We’ll be using the terms package and library interchangeably in this article.

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5 Reasons to Learn Python in 2023 https://alexandrebruffa.com/5-reasons-to-learn-python-in-2023/ Wed, 30 Nov 2022 23:40:03 +0000 https://alexandrebruffa.com/?p=1650 In this article I wrote for LearnPython.com, I will explain why learning Python should be one of your New Year’s resolutions.

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Why learn Python in 2023? There are many reasons, some related to career and earnings, others to personal development. In this article, I will demonstrate why learning Python should be one of your New Year’s resolutions.

You got here because you’re wondering why you should start learning Python. Maybe you haven’t made up your mind yet and you’d like to get more facts. This is the first sign that you may become a programmer – we call it the analytical mindset. First the data, then the results.

In this article, I have gathered some arguments to help you answer the question of whether you should learn Python. Here are my five reasons why Python is worth learning.

5 Reasons Why Python Is Worth Learning

1. Python Is Easy to Learn

Python is a perfect fit for a first programming language. If you are completely unfamiliar with Python or only at the very beginning of your learning journey, don’t worry! The Python programming language is very intuitive and its learning curve for beginners is relatively small.

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10 Native Python One-Liners That Will Blow Your Mind https://alexandrebruffa.com/10-native-python-one-liners-that-will-blow-your-mind/ Wed, 09 Nov 2022 05:08:26 +0000 https://alexandrebruffa.com/?p=1642 In this article I wrote for LearnPython.com, I will show how to write ultra-pythonic code and I will expose 10 awesome one-liners.

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The essence of Python is simplicity and ease of use. In this article, we will focus on how to write complex operations in a single line in Python.

Python is a general-purpose programming language. It is used for AI and machine learning, web development, data analytics, game development, and financial predictive models, among other things. Almost all modern tech companies, including Google and NETFLIX, use Python.

Python is a perfect fit as a first programming language. It’s easy to read, write, learn, and understand. Python emphasizes syntax readability by making you write clean code with consistent indentation and without redundancies. It is also powerful, flexible, and easy to use. If you want to start learning Python online, I strongly recommend our PYTHON BASICS course. It gives you a solid foundation for beginning your programming journey.

What Are Python One-Liners?

If you’re already working with Python, are you sure the code you write is fully Pythonic? Python developers mostly come from other programming languages, like Java, PHP, or C++. They bring with them traditional ways to write code that could be achieved more elegantly with Python.

Did you know that a lot of complex operations can often be performed in just one line? That is what we call a Python one-liner. In this article, I will demonstrate 10 native Python one-liners that will ensure you write clean and ultra-Pythonic code.

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Adding a List to a Set in Python: 5 Things You Must Know https://alexandrebruffa.com/adding-a-list-to-a-set-in-python-5-things-you-must-know/ Wed, 21 Sep 2022 19:23:49 +0000 https://alexandrebruffa.com/?p=1635 In this article I wrote for LearnPython.com, we study different techniques to add a list to a set.

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What is a Python set? What is a list in Python, for that matter? This article will give an overview of these two data structures and show how to add list values to a set in Python.

To explain the differences between sets and lists in Python – and to help you understand how to add a list to a set correctly – let’s start with an example of these data structures. Look at the two lines of code below:

pets = [“dog”, “cat”, “red fish”]
pets = {“dog”, “cat”, “red fish”}
pets = (“dog”, “cat”, “red fish”)

Have you ever seen these Python data structures? The first one is a List, the second one is a Set, and the last one is a Tuple. All are used to store collections of data. But how is a set different from a list or a tuple?

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Python or PHP: Which Should You Learn as a Beginner? https://alexandrebruffa.com/python-or-php-which-should-you-learn-as-a-beginner/ Sun, 03 Jul 2022 22:42:53 +0000 https://alexandrebruffa.com/?p=1607 In this article I wrote for LearnPython.com, we discuss the benefits and drawbacks of each language.

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Which is better for you to start with: Python or PHP? Here is a brief comparison between these popular programming languages.

At some point during our exploration of the wonderful IT world, we have all wondered: what programming language do I learn first? Specifically, you may have wondered whether to choose Python or PHP. Which is better for beginners?

There are plenty of popular programming languages, old and new. The veteran PHP or the trendy Python? In this article, we discuss the benefits and drawbacks of each language.

A Byte of History

Python was developed in the late 1980s by Guido van Rossum, a Dutch programmer. Its first version was released in 1991, and the language has evolved with two significant changes in its lifetime.

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