Connecting Unity3D With AWS Services
In this article, I will show 3 ways of connecting Unity3D with Amazon Services: using an IAM user, a guest access, and an auth access.
Building a Real-Time Multiplayer Game With Unity3D and GameLift
In this article, I explain step by step how to build a real-time multiplayer game with Unity3D and Amazon GameLift.
Signing Up Users From Unity3D to AWS Cognito Using the AWS SDK for .NET
In this article, I will explain how to register users from Unity3D to AWS Cognito using the AWS SDK for .NET.
Building a Simple Signup Flow With Unity3D and AWS Cognito
In this article, I will explain how to Build a Simple Signup Flow With Unity3D and AWS Cognito for your applications or games.
Generating AI Images With DALL-E, AWS, and Unity3D
In this article, I will explain how I built a cool Unity3D chat showing Dall-E images thanks to AWS and the OpenAI API.
I made ChatGPT talk using Unity3D and AWS
In this article, I will explain how I built a Unity application that can communicate with ChatGPT and made it talk thanks to AWS.
I Built a Homemade CCTV Using Unity3D and AWS
In this article, I will explain how I built an entire home surveillance system with AWS, Unity3D, and a simple webcam.
How I Built a Hotel Platform With Unity3D and AWS
In this article, I will explain how to build an entire scalable cloud architecture using Unity3D and Amazon Web Services.
Combining real-time Texture analysis and audio customization with Unity3D
In this article, we will combine two fields that generally don’t come together: Texture analysis and audio customization.
Combining real-time audio analysis and shaders customization with Unity3D
In this article, we will combine with Unity3D two fields that generally don’t come together: audio analysis and shaders.