In this article, we discuss the benefits of learning Python for a professional.
What Is Python?
There are many benefits to learning Python programming. But what is Python? It is a high-level programming language, designed to be easy to read, write, and understand, with a focus on expressing complex concepts concisely and intuitively.
Python is also a general-purpose programming language. Developers use it for a wide range of applications and tasks, as opposed to domain-specific languages focused on specific use cases or fields. Python is used for web development, software development, machine learning, and scripting, among others.
You may not believe it, but Python is not so young! It was conceived in the late 80s by Guido Van Rossum, a Dutch programmer, who released the first version of Python in 1991. Python was originally used as a scripting language, but it is living a second life with the growth of the artificial intelligence and machine learning fields.